The Cesky Terrier is generally a healthy and robust breed, not prone
to any breed specific health problems. There have been some rare
reports of a condition known as "Scotty Cramp," but fortunately this is
not too prevalent in the Cesky.
Because of the way the Cesky is groomed (the fall of hair that hangs
over the eyes) and it’s proximity to the ground, it is important to keep
the eyes clean and watch out for eye irritation.
When you get your puppy, it should have already had it’s first vaccinations
and any other necessary medical care (such as deworming). Most breeders also have dewclaws removed. You should
receive a certificate of health, including a vaccination record, and specific
information on feeding.
Schedule an appointment with your vet as soon as possible after you
get your new pup
(it is best to do this within 48 hours). Be
sure to provide the vet with prior healthcare records from your breeder.
Your vet can confirm that the pup is in good health, review a vaccination
schedule for the first year, and provide you with valuable information
on nutrition, healthcare, preventive measures (such as heartworm and parasite
prevention) and training. If you purchase a pet puppy, you will also
want to discuss when to spay or neuter.