Breed Standard Tutorial

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From Head to Tail
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What's Unique About the Cesky
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YOU ARE HERE:  Introduction>>Using this Tutorial>>ACTC Breed Standard>>Why the Breed Evolved>>From Head to Tail>>Form Follows Function>>What's Unique About the Cesky


What's Unique About the Cesky Terrier?


Now that you have an understanding of the Cesky Standard and the ideal characteristics of the breed, take a moment to put this information in a broader perspective.  

Read the following section, which highlights how the Cesky is unique from other terriers.  Keeping these attributes in mind will help avoid the pitfalls of evaluating the Cesky based on your knowledge of other terriers.


The Cesky Terrier has several unique characteristics that set it apart from other terriers. If you have bred, judged or exhibited other terriers, it is important to keep these differences in mind when evaluating a Cesky. Key differences include:


The Cesky is significantly more mellow than one would expect from a terrier so:
  • Do not expect a Cesky to be a typical terrier "dynamo" in the show ring
  • A Cesky should not be expected to spar
  • A Cesky should be amenable to other dogs
  • A Cesky is often reserved with strangers, and this is an acceptable characteristic. Excessive shyness or aggression is not permissible however.


Terrier people who are used to a wiry coat and all the work involved to maintain that wiry texture, may be tempted to fault the Cesky for its soft coat.  A Cesky coat should be soft and silky, not wiry and coarse. 


The Cesky is always groomed with clippers, never hand-stripped.  The pattern on the Cesky, the slightly longer "saddle" on the back,  is unique to the breed.  Unlike many long-haired terriers, there is no skirt left around the vent area.


The Cesky topline should NOT be level. There should be a slight rise at the loins. The rump should be slanted slightly downward. The hips are often higher than the withers. The dog should be neither roach backed (excessive arch) or soft-backed (excessive dip in the back).

Tail Carriage:

Unlike many terriers, Cesky tails should be held down at rest, with a slight upward bend at the tip. Cesky tails are natural (undocked) and should be 7-8" long. In movement, the tail may be carried down, horizontal or up. The base of the tail should not be angled over the back. The tail should not be curled over and against the back. The tail should be set low.


The chest should be more cylindrical than deep. Chest size was "engineered" to be smaller than the parent breeds to allow entry into small burrows. A deep chest, like that of a Dandie Dinmont or some of the other short-legged breeds, is not desirable on a Cesky.  Chest circumference must not exceed 19 3/4 inches, and under 18 inches is preferable.


Elbows should be positioned along side the body, not under it. Elbows should allow free movement to facilitate digging. Elbows should neither turn in nor out.


Don't expect a Cesky to be a "bullet."  They were designed to be steady, but with staying power.  The gallop is slow and steady.  The trot is deliberate, with good drive -- more flowing and less "choppy" than some other terriers.


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