This tutorial was designed to be used in a
variety of ways depending upon your experience level and needs.
If you are new to the breed, or this is your
first time using the tutorial and you want to review it in its entirety, you
should follow the tutorial track. See
the detailed instructions below.
If you are a return visitor, or if you wish
to use the tutorial as a reference to review specific topics, you should
follow the fast track.
use the menu at the left to go directly to the topic(s) you wish to
access. "From Head to Tail" will allow you to select an
aspect of the standard to examine in detail, and may be of particular
interest as a reference.
Tutorial Track
To complete the tutorial,
follow the topics in order. Topics are organized to reinforce and
build upon what you have learned in previous sections.
At the end of each topic,
is a "Next Topic"
button like this:
Simply click on this
button to go to the next topic in the sequence.
Alternate Navigation:
At the top of the page for each
topic, a "YOU ARE HERE" bar is displayed:
this Tutorial>>ACTC Breed Standard>>Why
the Breed Evolved>>From Head to Tail>>Form
Follows Function>>What's
Unique About the Cesky
This bar will show you
where you are in the tutorial at all times. The current topic is displayed in
black boldface. The
other topics are links, so you can jump to a previous topic if there is
something you need to review again, and then return to the place where you
left off.
Each topic has its own
instructions, which will appear in a box as below:
Instructions for each topic look
like this.... Read the
instructions as they will help you focus on important points to keep in
mind for each topic and/or point out special features included in
that topic.
That's all there is to it. Enjoy
the tutorial!! Once you finish, please give us your feedback so that
we can continually improve the content and presentation. |